Yesterday was a GREAT DAY man. woke up 7am in the morning, then grab my gear and went to Church before 9am. Holy Trinity Feast Day, the tentage was up, the stage is set. lots of marshall amps for me to plug in, my Ibanez was shiny and blue. muahaha. 2mths of practise, the day has come. i'm going on stage, nervous as hell, but i'm on stage. F**king POWER i tell u, being up there feels SO good. haha, i think the get famous theory is getting to my head. i was playing Ryhtm Guitarist, Shaun was Lead, Ashley on the Bass, Claud was on the Keyboards, Trev and Dro alternating for Drums. and our lovely singers, Debbie, Jon & Le Roy.
Played 2sets in the morning, more happening songs for the younger crowd. haha, saw the 2 girls i had crushes on when i was up there. haha, one was a Very long time ago the other was for a Very long time. haha, but the first girl didn't even notice. oh well, at least the second one sent me a nice sweet SMS. haha.
the Night sets was played infront of the audience of the Archbishop, Parish Priest, and alot of other Priests, that used to know me but probably have forgotten me since the yrs i stopped being famous and well known in my church. haha, sad thing was the Parish Priest complained we were too loud and had our volumes turned down and the time was cut short due to poor time management on the organisers part. how short we were cut? lets juz say we were promised time to play 18-20 songs, and after ALL the Practises and time spent? we only played less than 10. difficult time trying to choose what songs to cancel out... haha, oh well.