Haven't been posting for some time now. nothings changed enough to warrant me spending time blogging. hehe, time is precious. cherish it. i've lost mine to the clock-keeper and now i miss those days where i just sit infront of my comp and zone out into space. it's been the best week of the mth, for once... i didn't have to go outfield. haha, any week without outfield is a good week.
Going to meet Kenneth in awhiles time to go look see look see at the IT fair in suntec. i've got absolutely no idea why i'm going there, as i don't intend to buy anything just yet. bit tight on the finances. probably just to oogle at the funky new toys that have sprouted out in this fast paced technologically advancing world.
finances are tight as above mentioned. basically what i'm meaning to say is that my assets are no longer as liquid as before. still yet to get the long-overdue insurance coverage which i've been meaning to get from the start of my job 1 whole yr ago... haha injuries are aplenty and i think being safe and covered is a good thing, but for such premiums that i've seen... no wonder insurance agents that perform avg drive big cars. HAHA
Time management has been seen to be in play more often these days. i really need to juggle it more properly. but how do u find more time when u don't have time to plan your time in the first place? haha, confused? oh come on, i'm sure your brain processing powers can keep up (unless u're wearing a helmet reading this). it's like a standing fact that any soldier, once dawned the protective headgear we call helmet, loses all capabilities of thought and rational thinking. HAHA
Need more sleep.... oops, late to meet my friend.