With this blog entry marks another end of a weekend. oh wonderful weekend why do u have to go by... haha, if only we'd never have to work another day, everyday could be devoted to doing other things that truely fulfill us. just like when we were kids where we'd just run around all day playing toys not having a care in the world.
Time turns back for no one. good times we've had, gd times more we have to make. learn lessons from the past and look to the future. thats the lesson in life i was reminded of this weeks break. there ain't no point holding on to things that have already gone pass, but look to the future and make things happen.
Time management once again is a problem when it comes to managing the little bit that i have during my weekly breaks from green. haven't met up with so many grps of friends. haha, don't worry guys i still miss u all!
Smile, Everyday is a Sunday!
There is Always Tomorrow
If tomorrow never comes?
Hey, it's still a Sunday!